Missouri, we need to do better. When the RNC is calling out irregularities, that’s more than just concerning. https://t.co/4zuZ78oNgg
July 2, 2024

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Anyone get the feeling that you’re arguing with bots way more now? Like, you wonder how someone can be that stupid, but it isn’t a type of stupid you normally would see from people. Plus, getting flooded with replies from multi accounts simultaneously on older stuff.
June 23, 2024

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Kristi Noem’s kids after getting home from school before finding out what Noem did to the family dog: #KristiNoemIsAMonster #WheresCricket https://t.co/i4WxnjxoBt
April 27, 2024

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@Shelley61265352 Plus, there’s stuff like this. https://t.co/Vf8irF78Do https://t.co/4rjsQi540F https://t.co/S12LE8gAVm https://t.co/boi4q2UG4z 2/2
April 18, 2024

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JK Rowling may be able to silence people in the UK via their messed up legal system, but thankfully I’m in the US. @jk_rowling is a Holocaust denier. She called the destruction of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft by the Nazis a “fever dream”. https://t.co/E6U48Gjn6b
April 15, 2024

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