Burning up the blog
March 1, 2005

ooh, 3 posts in less than 12 hours, maybe because I check the server on a constant basis, and I see it since he's sitting under my bed that I will remember to write a bit.

One of the changes I made was on the main page I designed a new logo to sport my Apache usage. Gave it a bit of a crayon drawn look, I really like how it turned out.

Slowly I'll get something decent setup for the main part of the site.

Also, was reading about the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org) and was thinking about trying it out on good ole funkyshit. Reason beeing is that I recently got a itty bitty 486 motherboard and was thinking about making it be embedded, so I could have like "the digital desk" or some shit. Probably just have it crunch SETI work units. "WOWEEY! It only took a whole NINTY SIX hours to crunch that one!". I'll let you know how it goes.

Today I am going to work on help Eric getting his fridge and stove into his new house. Not sure if it will be me and Wes, or if Eric will be there. Lately, Eric aint been doing his own crap.

After that, going to the car club meeting tonight. Its back at the Roadhouse (JJ's, but we still call it Roadhouse) now, so that means I can eat a bit tasty bit of cow butt between bread.Mmm-mm, I can feel my arteries hardening already.

Between now and then, the only thing I got going on is talking with friends, playing with the piggies, and updating some stuff on FS.

BTW, can Ausmade BE anymore of an asshat? He came in to chat, said this

–> WRModder (~buzz@549FD169.13086EF9.5104E5F4.IP) has joined #streetrod3
* WRModder thinks that shitrod3 is as dead as can be, how pathetic, suits the forum as well…as it's full of dead fucks…why i wasted all that time with you bunch of fucking loser's….oh yeah and hellmark…you won't get a g/f because women want a real man not a boy…muahahaha….
<– WRModder (~buzz@549FD169.13086EF9.5104E5F4.IP) has left #streetrod3

and then left. Andy, you are an asshole. For someone who supposedly knows so much about women, why did your wife divorce you? (I do isee it was she who did the dumping). If I wanted to be mean, I could post your wedding photo for a laugh. For this being the net and all, and you claiming that it doesn't effect you, you take things rather personal.

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Just did some more looking at XSI (a 3d modelling app I really want, since it is a good alternative to Max AND it runs on linux, unlike max), and they only offer the academic discount for the windows version. Means if I want it, gotta pony up $500. If you want to donate money to the "Get Hellmark XSI so he can start modeling again for Street Rod 3" fund, please get a hold of me through the Contact Me link to the right for me to get you pay pal info (would post it here, but I don't want some email harvester bot to come along and steal it to send me even more spam).

Anyway, bed time for me

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February 28, 2005

Hey y’all, Keith here. Just thought I would kick off this blog thing. I am normally not too good about doing this type shit regularly, but since its on my own server, I might be somewhat regular about it. Who knows.

Only real thing going on is that I am trying to iron out a few bugs on FS here. Funkyshit is a surprisingly good and loyal machine. Only problem I have had with him lately, is for some reason the router keeps reassigning his IP, without warning and randomly. I have done some changes, and hope to get that taken care of soon. So, if you can’t reach my page for some reason, its because the router switched stuff and messed up my routing tables in the process.

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Just saw this movie today, quite kick ass. One of the best movies I've seen in a while

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Happy Easter

Just wishing y'all a happy easter, unless you work at surpass, then fuck off.

The bastards fucked over things and suspended us again. Why? Who the fuck knows. Last time they did it, was due to a fuck up that was THEIR fault.

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