Just got a call from the ISP saying they were noticing an astonishing usage of bandwidth for the last few hours, only thing nothing was running here that was sucking that much. So trying to lock shitdown and secure stuff even more.
BAH! all day been trying to get an old computer of mine working to give to my brother (AthlonXP 1900+ so not that old) but its giving fits. No video display. Think vid card is toast.
Arm hurts like all fuck now too. was having to lug stuff around. pain not fun
Got Burnout 3 today. Man that game kicks ass. I love the Road Rage mode.
Yeah yeah, I know, I aint added much this month. Anyway, got my tax refund, and planning on getting a vinyl plotter for making decals and such. If there is anything y'all want, let me know.