Now with SANE

Got my scanner running today on this machine. SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) added backend support for the NIASH chipset scanners, which happens to include the HP Scanjet 3300C scanner I have. Been playing with that.

Also, Wednesday I dropped a grand on a vinyl plotter, and gonna spend about another $500 on getting vinyl. My wallet hates me right now…

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Woooo doggy!

Today, went to the flea market, and while we were there my mom decided to get some turkeys. Got two nice ones, a bronze hen and a black spanish/bronze mix tom. Thinking of naming them Alice and Ralph (as in the Cramdens from the Honeymooners). Then when we got home, we found out that one of our chickens had her eggs hatch sometime yesterday (guessing later in the day). Right now we have one under a heat lamp inside because he was a late hatch. We're calling him Popeye (as in Popeyes Chicken, to keep with the food name theme). One thing that is kinda funny is that some of the chicks have traits of the one silky banty rooster we have, because that hen didnt like that rooster, and would toss him off and beat the shit out of him anytime he tried anything. Popeye is one of the ones that is a baby of Fluffy (the silky). For the most part, thats what I've been upto today.

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Took some pictures to show y'all the chickens. Wasnt able to get a shot of Teri (short for Teriyaki), and the shots of Dinner and the chicks, but got a decent one of Fluffy and Popeye (thats the baby chick under the heat lamp, we call him that because of Popeye's Chicken). Also found a decent shot of the chickens on my digital camera that I forgot about.

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Argh, just had the power flicker, restarting my computers. Also my arm is killing me.

Guy who I used to work with had his computer over here, I had fixed it back in like october, and he had me hang onto it till he moved. Well, the old thing gave up the ghost. 10-11 years old, and died of old age but still feel bad about it.

On the plus side, my aunt has been visiting from Vegas, which is cool.

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Sorry for if things were down. Router is giving fits again.

Yesterday was the Riverport Swapmeet, wasnt much good stuff there this year, plus mom kept poking (took us over two hours to do 2 aisles) plus it took forever to get in there (from 8-10 we were waiting to get into a parking spot).

When I got home last night I started having a sinus migrane and was sick. Wasnt pleasant. fell asleep around quarter to 9

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