Crazy times

Things have been a bit screwy around here. Still doing shit in max like mad. When I can I've been trying to take care of some other stuff, like taxes, and spend time with Karen.

Also for another silly thing, I got a quote added into QDB today ( )

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Not feeling all that great today, just feel really drained. This weekend has been nice though.

Friday, I went out with Karen, had dinner at Stefanina's in Troy, and afterwards got to talk and snuggle. Was really nice.

Yesterday, we went to the Winery of the Little Hills for lunch, then went to Erio's for dinner with Eric and Katherine. Good food.

Today though, been organizing crap onto a shelf, watched the race, and been just blah.

Tuesday, Apple will have another unveiling, so that sounds nice.

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Crappy things going on, rather not talk about that.

In other news, started listening to Diggnation, funny podcast. Tech and geek news, told by people with alcohol!

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Year One

Holy Shit, I just realized that I've been blogging here for over a year. I started February 28th, 2005. Really kinda surprised I kept up with it as much as I did.

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Stupidity in action

Recently, the NRA filed a motion of contempt against Mr. Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, and the Chief of Police, for their illegal confiscation of firearms in the aftermath of Katrina and ignoring a court order to stop.

First off, think at the logic here. City is destroyed, police abandoned the area, people left to defend themselves, SO LET'S TAKE AWAY THEIR GUNS! Next up, was the court order saying for them to stop, feh, stupid courts, LET'S DO IT ANYWAY!

Damn it all to hell, there is just so much stupidity. No wonder why the rest of the world hates us, if that sorta thing is all they hear about.

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