In the Poughkeepsie Police Blotter a man, who was arrested for selling crack, had his name shown as Landocalrissian Butler. WHAT SORT OF FUCKING DUMBASSES NAME THEIR KID AFTER A SCIFI MOVIE CHARACTER?! On top of that, but to join the first and last name of the afforementioned character, to make one single first name.
I hate stupid people…
Edit: More stupid people
I updated the blog scripts, now have the option for different type of feeds, as well as a few other tweaks.
Hey there, not much going on.
Still don't have the shit from ebay I ordered yet. No word from him for over a week now, and apparently several others are in this boat, that I know of.
Starting to get some really nasty weather. They're calling for 8 inches of snow, plus sleet and such. Fun fun.
Hope everyone had a good St Patrick's day. Spent mine with Karen, and my family. Had some good corned beef and cabbage, plus guinness stout. Was really nice.
Also, went shooting yesterday, was the first time in like a year and a half. Didnt hurt my arm nearly as bad as I thought it would. I guess since my wrist was locked straight (I wore my brace), and not bent, wasn't an issue. Still hurts if I bend it any though.
No, I didnt see a shitty remake of a classic horror movie, but apparently, there are people who read what I say here. Really kinda surprising to me, and also humbling, since its not my intention to appeal to people. I've always thought of it as being more or less something I can do for fun, and if people read or look around here then its a cool bonus. Lately, been seeing posts being ranked. For those who read, I salute you. Hopefully, I can try and keep some quality topics up.
For those who view my gallery, I added another weapons sketch. I have a few more designs in the works, mostly with more flair and detail than others like the panabas. All of my designs are being based after real things I've seen, and I want to keep them fairly correct (so no fantasy, fake shit). Yeah, the chakram isn't dead on (not being balanced), because I like to take some creative licensing (when I started drawing that, I was thinking using something like that for more of a hand to hand combat than a thrown piece). I've been doing those for getting creative juiced flowing for some impending work I'll be doing.
In other news, the bastard from eBay is ignoring me and other people now. Tried calling him again, to no avail. If something isnt done by next monday, I'll be filing complaints with eBay and Paypal.
Holy crap, I can't believe people sometimes.
It seems that recently a group has been formed to try and expose the myths and hoaxes in the Davinci Code… Wait, back that thought train back up. Davinci Code is a FICTIONAL book. Yeah it includes some historical things, but, its largely fake, and admits that.
Check out some of the comments to that story. "Yellow Journalism" my ass. If its intended to be fake, and admits to not show fact, then how can it be journalism at all, let alone any derrogative form? Its not like its the National Enquirer or something. As far as the others, if they became agnostic or athiest because of a fictional story (remember, fictional being fake), then their faith wasnt strong to begin with and would have lost it regardless.
Oy fucking vey….