I've been sick, acting all loopy (lost my pants twice today!), but some semi smart shit flowed out.
No reason to be scared.
Wise man once said "Geeks help those, who help themselves."
Show the initiative, and we will guide you.
Nothing about technology is to be feared.
It can only do what you tell it to do, so only fear it, if you fear yourself.
Ugh, things just really suck ass at the moment.
Right now, unemployment is still messed up. They misfiled my work history, denied my claim because the work history they did have on file (which wasn't the most recent job I worked, and was laid off from), I had quit, then after I get them to look into it and straighten out my work history, THEY'RE STILL DENYING MY CLAIM BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT LOOKING AT THE REVISED WORK HISTORY! Still no luck on the job front either. Fucking getting sandbagged when I tried going back to Toys R Us. The management is supposed to be better now, Sam and his crony's left to work for Dick's Sporting Goods (how fitting). Cunting whore making up shit about me. Doesn't matter that I didn't work with her, doesn't matter that the people I actually did work with is saying it is bullshit. Bleh.
Here's to hoping things get better.
PS, the Tiger Army song "F.T.W." (aka Fuck the World), is quite catchy.
Idiots, the whole lot of you.
One thing that I kept having thrown in my face the entire election race, especially on election day, was how little people knew. Lately, people have been arguing "Now we have a democratic congress, we can get some changes done". Uhm, hello, 110th congress was democrat majority for both house and senate. "Oh, but Bush just vetoed everything". Why not go look at his veto record. I had someone kept harping on the fact that Bush set a 200 year veto record, as if it was such a bad thing, and he was a "veto machine". Actually look at what the record for. He had gone the longest of any president since Thomas Jefferson WITHOUT using a veto. His entire first term, and the first half of his second term, saw no vetos what so ever. In that time since, 12 vetos, 4 of which were over turned. ZERO pocket vetos. Yeah, that really sounds like a "veto machine". You have to go back to Warren G. Harding to find another president that had anywhere close to as few vetos as Bush, and Harding died during his only term!
Now, I am not trying to say that Bush is a good president. I personally don't like him either. He's done shit for the economy, and got us into a bad situation in Iraq, while downplaying Afghanistan. I'm just saying, that people need to get a fucking clue. For most people, Clinton was this fucking god of a president, with his only wrong doing was "getting some head". Uhm, dude, look again. Leach-Bliley Act? That deregulated the Banking and Securities industries, and helped heavily to get us into the current economic situation (encouraging all the sub-prime interest loans, mergers, etc). Digital Millenium Copyright Act? Oh yeah, that's doing wonders for our cryptographers, or our right to fair use. Oxley Sardaines? Another masterful economic stroke. As far as fighting goes, Clinton used the shit out of the military as well. Kosovo, (Black Hawk Down location), etc. The only real difference is that Clinton would send in, muck around with a country, and then move right on to the next, never spending a lot of time in one area. While all of this was happening, very little was ever done to help replenish the supplies being used by the military. Now, you're probably thinking, "oh, but Clinton was fighting against the republican congress the entire time. They were probably the ones pushing all of those military actions. That's how republicans are." Well, look historically at the stance of presidents on war in relation to their political party. Lincoln, a republican, saw the civil war errupt on his watch, and did what he could to stop it (which he did stop it, and won re-election before being assassinated). Harry Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, twice, and he was a democrat. Kennedy, a democrat, got us actually fighting in Vietnam. Johnson, a democrat, ramped up Vietnam. Nixon, a republican, got us out of Vietnam. This isn't a rant about one party or another, since they're both equally fucked up. "Want change? Vote democrat."? My ass. Does it really matter what group a person says with? Not really, especially if you pay attention to people's voting records. In this past election, there were some Democrats that McCain had more in common with than some republicans (that also I might add, voted similarly to Obama). All it means, is basically who is bank rolling the last part of their election campaign.
Speaking of which, try this on for size. In the 2004 election, both major canidates spent in the neighborhood of $40 million. For this, the 2008 election, Obama spent in the neighborhood of $500,000,000 while McCain spent $300,000,000. It will take Obama roughly 122 years to make back the amount of money he spent to get the job, based on the current salary for the position and basic cost of living increases. Providing that he doesn't get turn in to a head in a jar, akin to Futurama, he'll have died 2 times over before that happens. Obama, and zombie Obama? And we trust this man to fix our current economic situation? "But what about taxes?". Pfft, like President has any control over taxes. That shit is congress. Most of the shit going on is in the territory of congress, yet shit ain't getting done. Crap keeps getting worse, and we expect these fuckers to fix it.
Fucking morons.
The topic says it all. I hate this day. I wish the 31st was removed from the calendar.
Apparently Black Mesa is in charge of the Large Hadron Collider, because Dr Gordon Freeman was spotted at CERN in some last minute prep of the LHC. Well, it was fun while it lasted.