
If you've read todays UF, you'll know about the subject.

Recently, Microsoft had all instances of the Free Open Source Software movement removed from a UN document, calling it anticommerical, basically saying that with opensource software, businesses will die. Then even more recently, a statement was made calling IBM "crazy" for wanting to make "On Demand" hosted applications (where as Microsoft is doing the same damn thing) and saying people shouldn't "dork around wit source code".

Wow. Namecalling. I see. They're in the 2nd grade now?

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For those of you not paying attention, people, with aid from the Wiili project have got the wiimote working, with with accelerometers and as a pointer on OSX, Linux, and even Windows (admittedly, the Windows version of things is a bit of an ugly cludge to get things working, but then again, so is windows). This is some pretty sweet stuff. I got to play around with it today, and while things could be improved a bit (such as setting what the buttons do when pressed on the OSX side), it is still cool. Great for those who use a home theater PC.

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