Last night power kicked off, and when I powered things back on this morning, the OTES fan on monstershit had gone out. Abit chooses shitty fans…
Had some sluggish bits with rottenshit, but is performing really well.
Data recovery front on Monstershit isnt going to well. Everytime I think I got something, I get bent over…
Felt like shit today, dunno why.
Room is partially torn apart. Was reorganizing things and didnt get them all put back.
Got a hold of Jason, he's getting me the modded Coldet source soon. That'll help with porting SR3 alot.
Kids left friday, w00tar!
Since then been catching up on missed work, not fun.
Went to Costco, was interesting there. Some lady with two brats she was pushing around in a cart. Had a DVD player for them to watch a movie while she shopped. At one point the girl started using the cart as a jungle gym, and the mom just stopped the cart and started yelling "If you fall and get hurt, I'm not taking you to the hosipital again because you did something stupid". A little bit later, the boy runs over to the games and picks up Gran Turismo 3, saying "I want this!". The mom tells him "if you put that down, I'll let you play Grand Theft Auto when we get home" (and the boy is like 5). A little bit later, some older lady (presumably the grandma) is pushing the kids around, mom no where in sight, and the boy is running around waving GT3 up in the air. THAT is the problem with America, and not fucking video game companies the liberals and Jack "I see Penises" Thompson would want you to believe. Later, at the pharmacy saw a guy who looked eerily like if Hitler was a hyper geek. Wierd.
Afterwards, went to Macaroni Grill, because had gift certificate. Man they sucked. Typical St Louis style italian (which St Louis has alot of Italians) has nice and creamy sauces. Everything was really heavy on olive oil and watery cream sauce that they skimped on. Ordered Chicken Fetticini Alfredo, an easy dish, and when I got it the damn thing was basically noodles and strips of chicken in olive oil. Also, heavy on pepper with everything. Even the bread tasted peppery by itself. And what did they have to dip your bread into? Olive oil with pepper sprinkled in it. Fuck…
On the good news front, Linux Games mentioned us on the front page the other day about how we went opensource, and because of that, we've had some help with people trying to get it ported. One guy even says he has it running under linux. Really, for the most part, the big work is switching to SDL_mixer instead of BASS, because BASS is Win32 only.
Tery had 10 babies last night. Dumpling just flogged the shit out of my leg, more bleeding. I want to kill that bird.
Last night JasonB sent me the latest copy of the SR3 source to get things rolling on a new release and also to switch things to Open Source. Trying to get it compiled but having issues with SDL. Hope to get it fixed. Also signed up for a sourceforge account.
Side note, the new network card runs great!
Today did more work on SR3. Got all the wheels converted, working on cars. Also, a new guy, Trancos, submitted some killer code that fixed the camera bug. Sometime this weekend, we should have the release together, if all goes well.
Also, been working on setting my PDA up with openzaurus and a bunch of different software. Should make me easier to get a hold of.
Today has been another day of trying to figure out why the camera on the cars isnt working. Frying my fucking brain…
On good news, figured out how to get CVS to work. Should be a few days before SourceForge's admins get the CVS directory cleared (we kinda messed it up while testing).
For the crappy news again, my scanner apparently was killed in a storm the other day. If anyone knows of a good cheap scanner that is supported by SANE or want to help me get a new scanner, please contact me.
Also, funkyshit's IP renewed fine, then dropped a couple hours later.