June 4, 2010

Welcome to the haven of the Hellmark.

As you’ve stumbled across this page, you’re probably wondering what is here. Well, really not much.

Basically, this is a place for my rants, thoughts, doodles, and meanderings. If you want to find out about any news concerning me, my computers, my art, my programming, or other related matters, you’re at the right location. I try to keep things updated, on a semi regular basis, providing I’m able to.

If you’re wondering who I am, I’m Keith “Hellmark” Brown, and I’m a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to things technological. I’m a programmer, and also have considerable experience with 3d modeling and 2d graphics (vector and raster). I’m a big penguiniphile, as well as being a former mac fan, plus quite a bit of experience with Windows (strictly from fixing it for people). If you think I seem familiar, that is probably because you’ve seen me around places like renderosity.com, Rendervisions.com, SocialDeviancy.com, StreetRod3.com, stl-tech.org, alt.binaries.3d.poser, alt.games.mame, alt.games.starseige.tribes, etc. I get around quite a bit.

So feel free to look around, and enjoy.

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Missouri, we need to do better. When the RNC is calling out irregularities, that’s more than just concerning. https://t.co/4zuZ78oNgg
July 2, 2024

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Anyone get the feeling that you’re arguing with bots way more now? Like, you wonder how someone can be that stupid, but it isn’t a type of stupid you normally would see from people. Plus, getting flooded with replies from multi accounts simultaneously on older stuff.
June 23, 2024

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Kristi Noem’s kids after getting home from school before finding out what Noem did to the family dog: #KristiNoemIsAMonster #WheresCricket https://t.co/i4WxnjxoBt
April 27, 2024

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@Shelley61265352 Plus, there’s stuff like this. https://t.co/Vf8irF78Do https://t.co/4rjsQi540F https://t.co/S12LE8gAVm https://t.co/boi4q2UG4z 2/2
April 18, 2024

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JK Rowling may be able to silence people in the UK via their messed up legal system, but thankfully I’m in the US. @jk_rowling is a Holocaust denier. She called the destruction of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft by the Nazis a “fever dream”. https://t.co/E6U48Gjn6b
April 15, 2024

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