Rottenshit's order was finally processed today. WOOHOO! This weekend heading down with my uncle to see some family, should be nice.
Last night power kicked off, and when I powered things back on this morning, the OTES fan on monstershit had gone out. Abit chooses shitty fans…
Had some sluggish bits with rottenshit, but is performing really well.
Data recovery front on Monstershit isnt going to well. Everytime I think I got something, I get bent over…
Felt like shit today, dunno why.
Room is partially torn apart. Was reorganizing things and didnt get them all put back.
Got a hold of Jason, he's getting me the modded Coldet source soon. That'll help with porting SR3 alot.
The last week or so with the Mac have been nice. It runs smoothly, hasn't given any fits, and does exactly what I want without complaints. Also, I got a copy of REALbasic 5.5 Pro so I can program with BASIC again (something that I haven't really been able to do since I ditched Windows).
On the bad news front, its been slow going recovering data from Eric's computer. Right now I'm down to trying to recover his photos from his hard drive, but have had to dink around with a company I bought software from since they have a system where the serial code to install the app is generated specifically for the computer you had at the time you bought it. Well, Windows got reinstalled on that machine, so the serial doesn't work now. Grrrr.
Also speaking of hard drives, the Mini's seem to be filling up fast. 80 gig with 24 free now. While about 20 can be burned to disk, thats still alot of stuff in the last week and a half. But then again, all the jampacks for Garage band takes up a big chunk of space and I have their installers on hard drive right now to make things go a bit quicker.
And last night I read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Good book.
Been reading a book from the Hitchhiker's series a day lately. Really good books.
Yesterday, Mom and Wes went to the neighbors house where an auction was held. Wes went nuts because he wasnt used to auctions, and so they came home with alot of stuff. An autoharp that needs repair, an old trumpet, couch and chair, futon, a Regulator clock, etc. Was kinda funny.
Got a GuitarPlug so I can plug one of my guitars straight into my mini. Garageband works great as a amp simulator, slight lag, but most of the time its not noticable.
Another power outage… ugh, cant ever get a decent uptime!
On computer related things, I hit a brick wall on the network processing stuff. The xgridagent software that I've been working on uses the old standards for Xgrid. With Tiger, some stuff for Xgrid changed… Basically, till I can figure out what to change in the code, or someone else updates, no go.
Got my PDA running again, also did some work to make it better.
Also took a look at the next release of Firefox. Renders fucking fast, and seems really nice. I'll stick with the latest official firefox, but shows that there's alot to look forward to.
For SR3 fans, its working under Linux now. Hope to get packages released soon, and already got a howto up for those who roll their own.
And, got new glasses, so those of you who didnt like the old ones, well, these are different.