I've changed the logo at the top of the page, and fixed the problem that made the spacing a hair bit different on the gallery. Now everything is more uniform, and fitting of the new domain.
Also, uploaded a few images to the gallery, mostly snapshots I took of some of my critters.
Ok, I wrote this poem years ago when I was in elementry school, but i figured I'd post it. Trying to do this from memory, so its a bit fuzzy. I'll probably fire up my 386 later and pull the original up so I know exactly what I had.
Barney's dead
He was shot in the head.
Millions of kids will realize that he won't make a TV come back
Somebody finally shot the fag,
and stuffed him in a burlap bag.
When Baby bop was found it was no gag
for between her eyes, was a .44 mag.
Millions of tots across this great land will soon be sad,
but all I have to say is haha! too bad!
Hello there, this morning saw some rather interesting shit on the news. The office building being done at my old house had a crane fall over, smashing the one building. HAHA, TAKE THAT, BITCH! While I hate to hear anyone getting hurt, after as much crap my family went through because of that shit there, it's pleasing to hear that some bad has happened to McClain.
EDIT: Got a link
Also, Post Dispatch had an interesting article on the terms used for blacks. The comments ranged from the loony (Alan Keyes calling Barack Obama "Not african american" because neither of his parents were decended from slaves), to sensible (refering to skin color if at all, and not to origin) to some that I agreed with (That we're just American, not African American, or German American, or what ever). So, read up.
Not alot is going on here. Been practicing in 3dsmax, getting the rust off. I'll be throwing some renders up into the gallery. So far put up two older renders that I did years ago. I have an updated version of the Smallblock I'll be posting too (new textures).
Got Wallace and Grommit: Curse of the Were-rabbit. Funny movie, has lots of little jokes and details in the background as well.
Also, been playing with the upgraded version of ArtRage. The payfor version of AR2 introduces layers and several new tools. Really alot of fun to play with.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, and hope it was a good one. Wasn't all that spectacular, just working on crap around the house, and working on some models in max. Been busting ass on models lately, but hopefully it will have its rewards. I know this weekend I should make up for today too.
Had a killer dinner though; barbeque chicken, baked potato, corn, a nice cold beer, followed up by some red velvet cake. It kicked much ass.
Also, remember, in one month, it's Steak and Blowjob Day.