July 22, 2008

Today, Bailey, my Great Pyrenes, died today. He was always such a lovable lug. He'll be missed.

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I need a new random grunt of the day calendar.
June 19, 2008

Anyone who says that this has been a good year, needs to be shot.
In the face.
till it is just a wet patch of earth being shot.
And then they need to die in a fire.

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Fuckin’ wonderful
May 16, 2008

That time of year is upon us again. School is out. Really sucks balls for some of us. Won't see anyone for months at a time, nothing to do but work and sit by myself. Fun fun silly willy.

Not to mention things keep getting worse it seems like. Tom died the other day, Wookie just died not even an hour ago. Plus as some of you may know, shortly after Easter, Amy dumped me in a rather harsh fashion. Went from talking about marriage, and long term things, to not wanting to even see me in just a couple days, with no correspondence in between to instigate it. Then she started accusing me of things I don't even know how to do, let alone would even attempt to, and threatening me. I honestly have no fucking clue what the hell happened. Was just like a switch was thrown. Then many mutual friends started disowning me, everyone just flaked out. Makes you feel like total shit when you see someone and they don't even acknowledge you, or act like you're some vile beast that deserves to die. Here it is, lots of time to spend with people, and now very few want to even talk to me.

I really fucking hate this shit.

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April 6, 2008

While the past week and a half has sucked cock for reasons I will not go into, it hasn't been all bad. Today, Nana gave birth to an adorable little boy.

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February 17, 2008

Been a bit since I've posted here. Felt like ranting a bit

Since I posted last, I've started school at Lindenwood. It seems decent enough there, few complaints. My biggest gripe deals with the Intro to Computer Science class I'm being forced to take. The material we're covering so far is, well, so incredibly basic. We're learning what webbrowsers are, what spreadsheets are, etc. Oh boy! What are Podcasts? *beats his head against the desk* On some basic things, such as tabbed browsing and Web 2.0, the teacher admittedly didnt know what they were, despite it being fairly common and also coming straight from the books (yes, I had to spend money on books to tell me this shit). I just want to get to the material that he may know (considering he has a PhD in computer science, I'm hoping there is something). Not to mention he claims that multicore processors to be a "failure" from AMD that Intel is avoiding. Erm, What do you call the Core Duo and Core 2 processors? Pentium D? Yeah, Intel isn't wanting to touch that market…

I am also forced to take a "Freshman Experience" class, which really is kinda useless. So far, I've gone to presentations on dorm living, work and learn (which is just for people living on campus), and date rape. First ones don't apply to me, so were a waste. They also force you to goto certain amount of events around the school. If you don't, you dont get a good grade, and thus do not pass the class (which is required for graduation).

With Mom now as the president of the car club, finally able to fucking ditch Hemmings as a host, and start work on a decent website. I put up the work in progress, and despite being incomplete and slightly buggy, it is way better than what I was forced to work with before. Is kinda nice.

Work, well, that sucks cock. Hours cut back severely. I've worked as little as 4 hours in a week lately. On top of that, apparently, they're starting to get anal about things. Today, apparently a cashier asked for an item over the radio when ringing it up. I going through a radio deadspot (IE, most of the back room) so didn't hear it. As soon as the handheld computer used for our inventory system starts beeping to let me know that a big ticket item needed to be brought from the store room, the new assistant manager gets on the radio complaining about no one responding to it. Here it is, first I know about it, and they're complaining about it AS I AM FINDING OUT. I grab the walkie talkie and say that I didn't hear the request, that it just came up on the sapphire so I was just finding out about it, and would bring it right up. So I quickly grab the item, and run up front. Later on, I'm called into the office, where the new manager complains about how I responded, saying I was snippy with her. Now, people who know me, know that if I am upset with a person, I am more vulgar than normal, and make it very well known that I am upset. I'm really not a passive aggressive person. Now, I had no problem with the person, until then. It really kinda upsets me that this person tries to act like they know what I am thinking. Argh.

Also, net connection has been problematic here. A week ago monday, we had a storm roll through. Nothing too bad in this area, but apparently bad enough to damage equipment at the ISP. Knocked our net connection out. The next day, after I get home from school, I call the ISP, to get a voice recording that they had sustained a large amount of damage, more than they could afford to repair, and so would be going out of business. Did get a crippled connection to come back up a few days later, but it didn't last all that long. Luckily the phone company has just got DSL into our area, so we weren't totally destitute when it comes to options for high speed internet. Unfortunately, it is one third the speed of the old connection. Which, really really, sucks. Still, better than nothing, so can't complain all that much.

Nothing all that exciting is going on really. Work, school, sleep, repeat. Occasionally get to spend time with Amy. Just the bare minimum to keep me sane. Speaking of which, time for bed.

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