Fuckin’ wonderful
May 16, 2008

That time of year is upon us again. School is out. Really sucks balls for some of us. Won't see anyone for months at a time, nothing to do but work and sit by myself. Fun fun silly willy.

Not to mention things keep getting worse it seems like. Tom died the other day, Wookie just died not even an hour ago. Plus as some of you may know, shortly after Easter, Amy dumped me in a rather harsh fashion. Went from talking about marriage, and long term things, to not wanting to even see me in just a couple days, with no correspondence in between to instigate it. Then she started accusing me of things I don't even know how to do, let alone would even attempt to, and threatening me. I honestly have no fucking clue what the hell happened. Was just like a switch was thrown. Then many mutual friends started disowning me, everyone just flaked out. Makes you feel like total shit when you see someone and they don't even acknowledge you, or act like you're some vile beast that deserves to die. Here it is, lots of time to spend with people, and now very few want to even talk to me.

I really fucking hate this shit.

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