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Not alot is going on today. Made up a few decals. Ikcerawag told me that the new system for trannies is working, so SR3 should handle more than a three speed now. Also just got finished updating packages on funkyshit.

Really the last thing we need to do before release is to get the cars sorted over to the new version, and in order to do that we need to fix the convertor. It's not translating the placement of the camera, so its going to 0,0,0, which is staring at the dashboard.

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Other news

Last night power kicked off, and when I powered things back on this morning, the OTES fan on monstershit had gone out. Abit chooses shitty fans…

Had some sluggish bits with rottenshit, but is performing really well.

Data recovery front on Monstershit isnt going to well. Everytime I think I got something, I get bent over…

Felt like shit today, dunno why.

Room is partially torn apart. Was reorganizing things and didnt get them all put back.

Got a hold of Jason, he's getting me the modded Coldet source soon. That'll help with porting SR3 alot.

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Another power outage… ugh, cant ever get a decent uptime!

On computer related things, I hit a brick wall on the network processing stuff. The xgridagent software that I've been working on uses the old standards for Xgrid. With Tiger, some stuff for Xgrid changed… Basically, till I can figure out what to change in the code, or someone else updates, no go.

Got my PDA running again, also did some work to make it better.

Also took a look at the next release of Firefox. Renders fucking fast, and seems really nice. I'll stick with the latest official firefox, but shows that there's alot to look forward to.

For SR3 fans, its working under Linux now. Hope to get packages released soon, and already got a howto up for those who roll their own.

And, got new glasses, so those of you who didnt like the old ones, well, these are different.

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Just talked to Shplorb, and got all the source for the Max plugins, as well as a few other nifty things. Basically, hope is to update them to the new version of the aux format. Also, hope to use something he gave me to figure out how the tracks are made (without reverse engineering the SR3 track code).

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tired hell

Not too terribly much going on here. Getting SR3 moved over to a SVN setup instead of CVS. Hope to get it up soon, just been busy. Ran into some issues with Sourceforge's scripts. Also been practicing my pinstriping a bit still, having fun. Got my '50 running, and hope to get it on the road soon. Will report back later with some thoughts on shit.

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