
For those of you who watched the wootoff, didnt it kinda suck? For the most part it was the same shit we've seen over and over again in the last few months, with very little of it being the good shit. No bags of crap, etc. I missed out on the 250gig drives AGAIN! Ugh

Right now I'm having to get a network card for Eric's machine. Apparently it got fried when one of the powersupplies went out. Damn boy has killed 5 powersupplies in the space of a year, because he doesn't have his outlets grounded. I'm getting tired of having to put in a new powersupply, and what ever other parts got killed off. REMEMBER! SURGE PROTECTORS DO NOT WORK UNLESS THE OUTLET IS GROUNDED!

As far as other shit goes, hope y'all had a happy easter and hope you got your taxes sent off.

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