No net connection make Hell all something something….

For those who have been wondering where I have been, I haven't had a net connection. Lately, my connection has been really flakey, dropping quite a bit. Friday the connection was down more than it was up, and then on saturday, it went down and has not been up since. The ISP have been giving me, and others in the neighborhood, the run around. At first, they were not answering the calls. Then they were saying "But you've been the only person to complain", then they said it was my router (effecting the entire neighborhood), and now they are saying its a part on their tower. Its not been fixed yet. Right now I am borrowing a dialup connection to post this.

In the time without a connection, I've been doing other things to try and keep me preoccupied. Saturday and sunday I worked trying to fix things around here. Yesterday I worked on my Jimmy, and also practiced some striping (will post images later). Also, when you are consumed with lots of free time with nothing to do, you think of odd things. Like fermented urine smells a bit like shrimp.

Also, we had some more baby chicks hatch, as well as some baby turkeys hatch yesterday. They're SOOO cute. Will also post pictures when I have a faster connection and can get my own computers online.

In addition, Monstershit has been running really hot, as high as 138F at idle. I had #2 processor fan on funkyshit go out, but luckily I had a spare.

Hopefully I can be back online soon.

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