
Ok, most people who know me know that I am very disorganzied. Despite my attempts to rectify that, things always dissolve into a mess. This renders me forgetful, scatterbrained, and absent minded. There are a few cool mac tools I've run across that help with this.

First up, for games, movies, books, and music there is Delicious Library. Using this, you can easily keep a running tally of what things you have, as well as if anyone is borrowing it. The latter feature is especially handy, because sometimes when people borrow things they have it for months at a time, and then occaisionally forget they got it from you. This way, you know exactly who has your stuff so you don't forget it. Also, if you have a very large collection of stuff, its sometimes nice to have a list of stuff to quickly look through when getting more, so you don't duplicate things. Plus, you can export the list to a text file so you can send it to others, so they know what you already have. Not to mention nifty features like recommendations on similar things, barcode scanner support, etc. All in all, a really cool tool, although a bit price heavy at $40.

Next on the list is a great, free, tool for note taking called Sidenote. Basically, side note is a little app that sits off to the side of your monitor, out of sight, and when you mouse up to the edge, out pops side note, letting you jot down different notes. You can also use color codes to help show importance on the notes. Personally, I like it better than the built in stickies app, because it doesnt always have to be on top (although you can pin it out). Another nice feature is that its not on the dock, so doesn't clutter things up.

Another good app for note scribbling is Desktastic. Desktastic lets you draw, scribble notes, etc on top the desktop or ontop of other programs. Really kick ass for those with wacoms. I have a couple complaints over Desktastic though. First one is, If you have it set "Above the Icons" you can't interact with the desktop unless you set desktastic to hide, but if you set it below the icons, you cant draw on the desktop but rather ontop of all the other programs. My second complaint is that it has an icon on the dock. To me, it would be perfect, if I could hit the expose button to hide all windows, start drawing on the desktop and still interact with the icons, and not have it on the dock. Even if I had to still press the draw button (manditory if you have it set under the icons) before I could draw, but be able to work with it while using expose, I'd be much happier. Still, its $12.95, which is cheap. This is also made by the same company who does Transmit, and Stattoo, two other cool apps.

Lifehacker also has for free its todo.txt series and script which is great, especially for those who love the commandline.

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