As if there weren't enough fucking shit, some cocks came up with a new rating for video games. Now, in addition to EC, E, T, M, AO there is also E10+. "There wasnt enough games that 9 and 10 year olds liked", then why the fuck are 53% of all games rated E? Rating systems are bogus since most of the time they aren't enforced either by the parents or the places selling the games. PARENTS GET OFF YOUR ASS AND LOOK AT A GAME FIRST AND NOT JUST RELY ON SOMEONE ELSE'S OPINION, AND THEN DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO LET THE KID PLAY. Too many rely on the ratings alone, or just don't give a rats ass.
Probably the same liberal bastards who are against evolution are doing this. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN.
Guy I know, Mark Ross, had a good quote on Creationists that are against the teachings of Evolution.
You have found a fish. HOLD IT! : I object : You say this fish evoled from a bird, I object! the fish was made by God in a big fuking gangbang
I actually hear shit like that. No I didnt say fish evolved from birds, I just said things can change over time. Pricks.